We are more than just experts: We are bright minds from different generations who also work together like close friends. Together we put a lot of joy and passion into our project and that characterize us.
Some of us are experienced, qualified native speakers and other first language trainers who have experience as HR / sales managers in the medical field or as teachers in Asia.
Our professional background combined with our teaching experience helps us finding the ideal candidates for your needs. We have also set ourselves the goal of improving the language competence of your future employees for clinics, hospitals and care for the elderly. We know your concerns because we come from your environment. So you need to invest a little amount of time because we know how we can support you effectively.
Due to our German-Filipino partnership, we can cover the entire process from learning the German language until matchmaking with you company and the needs of your employee. Our Filipino partner agencies have already experience for more than 20 years with providing nurses and or are also lead by a BSN.
The process doesn't stop when our nurses work at your site. We accompany them during the entire adaptation course so that your new employees do not feel lonely and lost or homesick, even when they are far from home. We will also support them with arriving at your workplace, getting an appartement and we also care for them if any problem will come up and fix it because:
we aid and we care!